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Kusintha kwa batire la Smartwatch mwatsatanetsatane

15 Dec, 2021

By hoppt

Smartwatch batire

After removing the screws, you can open the watch to see the battery, solder the battery to the motherboard, use a welding torch to take out the old battery, and replace it with a new one. Garmin Vivomove3 is a smartwatch with a built-in lithium-ion battery launched in September last year. Let’s briefly introduce how to replace the battery.

Garmin Vivomove3 ndi wotchi yanzeru yokhala ndi batire ya lithiamu-ion yomangidwa. Apa tikuwonetsa mwachidule momwe tingasinthire batire ya smartwatch.

Smartwatch batire

Choyamba, chotsani lamba la Garmin Vivomove3.

Smartwatch batire

Kenako, tsegulani chikwamacho, yang'anani zomangira, ndikuchotsa zomangirazo.

Smartwatch batire

Mukachotsa zomangira, mutha kutsegula wotchiyo; mutha kuwona batire, kugulitsa batire ku bolodi la amayi, kutulutsa batire yakale ndi nyali yowotcherera, ndikuyika ina yatsopano.

Smartwatch batire

Batire ya Smartwatch yatseka

Smartwatch batire

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